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Jessica Stephens

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036: I Just (Got Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia)! Now What? With Dr. Helen Pearman Ziral

Do you know someone who has suffered from fibromyalgia? Or maybe you’ve been diagnosed with it yourself? In this candid conversation, my guest Dr. Helen Pearman Ziral explains the relation to illness and trapped trauma within our bodies.

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034: I Just (Let Go of Trying)! Now What? With Jessica Stephens

In this episode, I take you on my journey through IVF and trying to conceive. It’s extra personal for me. It’s been 5 years since we stopped trying to conceive and these 5 years have been so freeing for me personally.

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035: I Just (Can’t Pick One Thing)! Now What? With Ashley-Ann Pereira

Have you ever wanted to do so many things, but everyone else tells you to stick to one?

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032: I Just (Got Asked ‘What’s Sex’ by My Child)! Now What? with Mandi Nuttall

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031: I Just (Ended a Toxic Relationship)! Now What? with Giovanna Capozza

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033: I Just (Feel Stuck)! Now What? with Jacqui Acree

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030: I Just (Read an Inspiring Book)! Now What? With Jessica Stephens

In this episode, I want you to think about all of the books you’ve read in the past, and immediately forgot the learnings as soon as you were done

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029: I Just (Became a Pilot’s Wife)! Now What? with Peyton Garland

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be married to a pilot? I’ve shared some of my story about being a pilot’s wife on the podcast with you, but this conversation with Peyton was so great because we talked about different things that happen and come up when you marry a pilot!

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028: I Just (Moved Back in with Mom and Dad)! Now What? with Jami Monte

Have you had to move back home with Mom and Dad? Maybe you finished school and needed a safe place to regroup before venturing off on your own, for real!

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026: I Just (Need to Decide)! Now What? With Jessica Stephens

Have you heard of decision fatigue? Decision making is something that we have all been struggling with, especially over the last couple of years.

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