I’m excited to join you this week for a solo podcast episode about my experience with finding a lump in my breast -- not only once, but twice.

This experience started back in 2019 and was a scary experience to go through. As women, and even men, we spend time making sure we take care of ourselves, exercise, and eat well, so it can be very alarming when all of a sudden, something is there that normally isn’t.

If you’ve been in this situation before, know someone who has, or maybe even someone who needs to hear this reminder, be sure to share the episode with them.

Listen in as we talk about:

  • Breast cancer statistics in Canada
  • Finding my first lump
  • Doctor’s appointments being delayed due to CO VID
  • The fear surrounding my experience
  • Finding my second lump


Some resources to check out about breast cancer and how to start getting your screening process started

I’d love to connect with you: