If you’ve ever found yourself ghosted, insecure, talked down to, or manipulated in a relationship, then this episode is for you.

I have Giovanna Capozza on the podcast this week to talk about her experience being in and ending a toxic relationship.

I think we can all find similarities when hearing Giovanna’s story, because many of us have found ourselves in a toxic relationship, maybe without even realizing it at the time.

Listen in as we talk about:

  • Why we chase toxic patterns and relationships without even realizing it
  • How coming out of her toxic relationship forced Giovanna to re-evaluate her relationship to love
  • The moment of clarity when she realized she didn’t want to live in heartbreak anymore
  • Hitting her relationship rock bottom
  • How Giovanna worked through her abandonment trauma to ultimately find peace within herself
  • Basic narcissistic traits and behaviours

Giovanna works with individuals seeking to understand and heal their unhealthy relationship patterns and past so that they can enjoy the fulfilling, safe and healthy relationship we all deserve.

With more than twelve years of leadership and coaching experience, along with a certification in MindBody Therapy and Giovanna's own personal experience in healing from Love Addiction she helps her clients develop a rock-solid relationship with themselves and helps them navigate and remove their blocks to love.

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