In this episode my wonderful friend Isabel joines me on the show to share her experience of becoming a mom at the advanced maternal age, over 35, which is scary to think is considered geratric in the fertility world!
Listen in as we talk about:
- What it’s like becoming an older mom for the first time
- What causes many of people / couples to delay starting their families
- Fibroids and how they impacted her life and deciding to get them removed.
- Having surgery to remove her fibroids so she can start her family
- Her residence to seeing a fertility specialist
- The news of getting pregnant within a couple months after getting the all clear to start trying!
- What if felt like being pregnant as an older women
- How it felt being the only older mom at Mommy and baby groups
- Focus on aging well to be able to have the energy to keep up with kids
- Why she craved meeting other other mom’s
- Her desire to build a community and share other’s stories with other older mom’s
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