Hey Friends,  

Have you ever been told that you are “too something”?  Too old, too young, too much?  

Well that’s what today’s guest Cherly Ilove experienced.  She was told she was “too old”, many times in her life,  the first time was when she was 18! Can you imagine being 18 and told that you’re too old?  What?  

This episode drops at a very interesting time as there has been a flurry of media reports about a beloved news anchor being released from her contract partly because she let her hair go gray and was now seen as Too Old.  Ageism is a real thing. 

Listen in as we talk about:

  • Ageism and how it impacts people across ages.  Too young / too old. 
  • Being told at 18 she was too old to take a ballet class. 
  • Too old, a  belief she held onto for years. 
  • Taking on other peoples projects impact our actions and belief systems 
  • Being told she was too old again in her 30’s when she had an injury 
  • Adopting labels from her medial team as a chronic pain patience 
  • Being told she can’t have the life she dreamed of because she was too old and too broken.  
  • Firing her medical team and deciding how to treat herself  with pilates and movement
  • Becoming a physical therapist and not being happy with how patients were treated and told what their life would be like.
  • Opening her own clinic to help patients like her “hopeless” cases to give them a path to healing
  • Don’t take on the label of too anything… 
  • Starting martial arts and becoming a black belt at 57! 
  • Affirmations and positive words we need  to tell ourselves everyday.  

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