Hey Friends,  

Does it ever feel like you are doing all the things and wearing all the hats?  Kind like your life is a One Person Show?  Well today, that’s actually what today’s guest Merit Kahn actually did, she wrote, produced, starred in a One Woman Show. 

Listen in as we talk about:

  • How it takes 12 people to actually run a One Woman Show! 
  • How her divorce inspired her start doing things she kept putting off
  • Turning 50
  • A vision of performing in front of a large group during a meditation. 
  • 50 Things to do before her 50th Birthday list. Only had 2 things, Travel to South East Asia and perform a comedy show. 
  • Our dreams are fulfilled through our experiences
  • 50 mins of stand up comedy for her 50th Birthday was the original plan 
  • Broke up her life in 5 decades and the lessons she learned as the blueprint for the show. 
  • Mine your life for your experiences and the lessons.  Through the lens of comedy. 
  • Comedy helps make life situations lighter and easier to carry. 
  • Looking at life through new lens of find the funny 
  • That skill will help you look at your life and give it perspective.   
  • Formula for life: Tragedy + Time = Comedy  
  • Was a lone ranger - learned the lesson of asking for help and delegating 
  • Who chiseled that over the door? 

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